Student hugs family member before boarding the bus with new Zonar ZPass bus card

Modesto City Schools is enhancing student bus rider safety and school attendance with a new hi-tech system designed to provide instant, online information about student ridership. The program known as Zonar Pass empowers parents, guardians, and select authorized district staff to track their student's bus on a secure digital app 

Z Pass enhances student safety and school attendance by knowing when and where students get on or off the bus. Families and authorized staff can securely access their student's data online, anytime, to protect those on board and make the most of the fleet.  

The Z Pass technology  

  • Safeguards riders by knowing who’s on which bus, and where, at any moment. 

  • Helps locate children by quickly identifying when and where a rider got on or off. 

  • Quickly and accurately helps parents who are looking for their child’s bus. 

  • Analyzes historical ridership data by bus to optimize routes and stops. 

  • Promotes student attendance and provides parents peace of mind. 

How it Works 

Each rider is given an RFID card with a unique identification number. Riders scan their card to the Z Pass reader by the bus door as they board and exit the bus. Z Pass securely captures and transmits the scan's date, time, and location. Families and authorized personnel will soon be able to gain secure instant online access to their student's information through the Zonar MyView mobile app. Once the app is available, parents can track the bus, receive notifications for when and where their student gets on or off the bus, as well receive alerts about any bus changes or delays.  

Z Pass Implementation  

As part of a soft rollout of the program, Modesto City Schools will begin distributing the Z Pass RFID cards to bus riders and their families during their school’s roundup event prior to the start of school. Families will be given information on how to use the cards. The MyView app will be made available this spring. Please note that students without their cards can ride the bus. 

If you have any questions about Zonar Z Pass, please visit the Transportation Department webpage or call (209) 574-1621.