School Information
Programs & Activities
Dear Rose Avenue Families,
It is hard to believe that the first trimester of the school year is well underway. Parent – Teacher Conferences are approaching, and will give you the opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher and receive specific feedback about how your child is performing academically. The information presented to you will accurately represent what your child has achieved to date.
The transition to a standard based report card supports the implementation of the Common Core State Standards, and provides parents with an in depth snapshot of how their students are progressing in the classroom. The report card will use Achievement Levels to demonstrate student growth toward end of the year grade level standards. Teachers are using these same Achievement Levels to grade and score student work and assessments daily. The scale ranges from levels of 1-4, rather than the traditional A-F letter grades. The scale reflects the following Achievement Levels:
4 – Student performance exceeds grade level standard.
Student consistently and independently exceeds criteria for grade level standard. There is strong evidence of proficiency based on a variety of assessments, classwork, and projects that demonstrates student has exceeded grade level concepts.
3 – Student performance meets grade level standard.
Student regularly and independently meets criteria for grade level standard. There is consistent evidence of proficiency based on a variety of assessments, classwork, and projects that demonstrates student has mastered grade level concepts with limited errors.
2 – Student performance is progressing toward grade level standard.
Student occasionally, with support meets some criteria for grade level standard. There is little evidence the student can independently demonstrate proficiency on grade level standard based on a variety of assessments, classwork and projects.
1 – Student performance is below grade level standard.
Student is unable to meet criteria of the grade level standard. With support, there is no evidence based on a variety of assessments, classwork and projects that the student demonstrates proficiency on grade level standard. Student is one or more years below grade level. Student may be at risk of retention.
It should be noted that there is not a correlation between letter grades and achievement levels.
Rose Avenue is confident that the manner in which grades are being reported will result in a deeper understanding of exactly what your child has learned, and what still needs to be mastered before the end of the school year. Your child’s teacher will be prepared to discuss your child’s growth and answer any questions at parent conferences later this month.
Mrs. Herbst